
  1. Apr 2021 - Mar 2024: Ph.D. Degree in Materials Physics at Nagoya University, Japan.
  2. Apr 2019 - Mar 2021: Master's Degree in Materials Physics at Nagoya University, Japan.
  3. Apr 2015 - Mar 2019: Bachelor's Degree in Applied Physics at Nagoya University, Japan.
  4. Aug 2013: Earned the Certificate for Students Achieving the Proficiency Level of Upper Secondary School Graduates.
  5. Apr 2011 - Aug 2013: Attended the National Institute of Technology at Kisarazu College but did not complete the course.

Ph.D. Degree

Doctor of Engineering conferred by the Department of Engineering at Nagoya University under the guidance of Professor Takashi Uneyama.
Title: Diffusion of Particles in Structureless Media


  1. Apr 2024 - present: JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, PD.
  2. Nov 2022 - Mar 2022: Academic guest at ETH Zürich, supoorted by Young Researchers' Exchange Programme between Switzerland and Japan 2021.
  3. Apr 2021 - Mar 2024: JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, DC1.

Competitive Fundings

  1. Apr 2024 - Mar 2027: JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, PD. Topic: "Rheological Evaluation of Granular materials with Large Structures Due to Particle Size and Shape: From Method Development to Physical Interpretation."
  2. Apr 2023 - Mar 2024: Collaborative Research Project on Computer Science with High-Performance Computing in Nagoya University (Co-Investigator). Topic: "Long-term Durability Evaluation of Concrete Structures - Stochastic Simulation of Low Molecular Diffusion in Concrete with a Polymer Barrier Layer."
  3. Dec 2023: Student Travel Grant for the 19th International Congress on Rheology in Athens, Greece.
  4. Nov 2021 - Mar 2022: Young Researchers' Exchange Programme between Switzerland and Japan 2021. Hosted by Prof. Martin Kröger at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Topic: "Analysis of collision statistics of fat rods by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations."
  5. Apr 2021 - Mar 2024: JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, DC1. Topic: "Elucidation of the dynamics of rod-shaped granular particles based on collision statistics."
  6. Dec 2020: Student Travel Grant for the 18th International Congress on Rheology in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Scholarships and Grants

  1. Apr 2019 - Mar 2021: Scholarship(total exemption), Japan Student Services Organization(JASSO).
  2. Apr 2021 - Mar 2024: Doctoral Research Grant from Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University.


  1. Oct 2023, Poster award, The 71th autumn conference by The Society of Rheology, Japan.
  2. May 2023, Academic Encouragement Award, Nagoya Univ.
  3. Feb 2023, Best presentation award, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist.
  4. Nov 2022, Poster award, The 10th Soft matter conference, Japan.
  5. Sep 2022, Poster award, The 183th Tokai Kobunshi Kenkyukai, Japan.
  6. May 2022, Best presentation award, The 49th annual conference by The Society of Rheology, Japan.
  7. Mar 2021, Best presentation award, Master's thesis, Department of Materials Science, Nagoya Univ.
  8. Oct 2020, Best presentation award, The 13th student workshop by east Japan branch of the Society of Rheology, Japan.
  9. Jan 2020, Poster award, The 15th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist.
  10. Dec 2019, Poster award, The 33th molecular simulation conference, Japan.
  11. Dec 2019, Poster award, The 9th Soft Matter conference, Japan.
English / 日本語